Our general Art Program is up and running, so now we would like to offer you a specialized art class with Ms. Quinn as an extension of our regular art classes. These new art courses will be more in depth and elaborate in terms of project focus and length of time, and new materials offered will be unique and more interesting than our general art class materials.
A $40 monthly materials fee will be charged if you choose to enroll your child(ren). One example of a proposed special art project includes CERAMICS. This long-term art course will allow the children an opportunity to manipulate real clay, use colorful under glaze to paint their clay pieces, and finally have them fired at Lillstreet Art Center’s kiln studio. Clay is a wonderful, natural material that, once fired, will truly last forever. Another example of a special art project we will do is PRINTMAKING. This course will include an introduction to printmaking starting with the creation of monotype prints, then move into more detailed forms of printmaking using brayers (rollers), Plexiglas and various kinds of paper. Finally, children enrolled in this course will get to extend their basic knowledge of printmaking by creating their own matrix surface from which to print.
Children enrolled in this specialized afternoon art class will not only have fun expressing themselves creatively, but their artistic vocabulary will expand, along with their social skills and creative thinking skills.
Schedule: Tuesday’s 3:30-4:30pm
Materials Fee for enrolled families of children age 2 - 5: $40/month
Materials Fee for non-enrolled families of children age 3 - 5: $65/month
Please take a minute to let us know if you’d be interested in joining us for these wonderfully fun and educational classes.
We hope to see you there!