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About Us - Near North Chicago

We're located in the beautiful Near North neighborhood of Chicago

When we started Sprouts Academy a little over 4 years ago (June 2010), we were dedicated to making your child’s stay with us educationally enriching, environmentally oriented, and full of social give back opportunities. These involvements would include the participation of our staff, the parents and your children, working together to make an impact in our communities, both locally and internationally.
From our beginning, Sprouts teachers and staff have made available to your children Enrichment Classes, above and beyond classroom learning, such as Art, Music, Concerts in the Park, Science, Yoga, Spanish, Book Club, Soccer and Field Trips to local museums and places of interest. We look forward to expanding our enrichment efforts even further this year.
As part of our vision, we believe your children should learn, while they are at Sprouts, an awareness of their responsibilities in the world that will be theirs in the not too distant future. With our environmentally oriented classroom teachings, our Urban Farm program, serving organic, locally grown food, healthy cooking classes for parents, chemical- free surroundings and ongoing recycling efforts, Sprouts has strived to expose both your children and you, the parents, to an environmentally friendly environment. As recognition of these environmental efforts, the management and staff of Sprouts are very proud to be recently awarded the much sought after Eco-Healthy Certification granted to schools who meet their strict environmental standards. Many thanks to Amanda Merritt for helping to make this certification happen for Sprouts!
Most importantly, it is our vision that anyone’s stay at Sprouts would mean an exposure to a spirit of Gratefulness and Social Giveback by involving our staff, you the parents, and most importantly the children in various local and international charitable projects. One example, on a local basis, is the staff, children and parents participating in, and Sprouts donating the money to serve as a Title Sponsor for the annual “Make A Wish” lakefront “Walk and Run” event (which has raised over $600,000.00 since our involvement began four years ago). Many thanks to John and Susan Novak- Directors of Sprouts- for making our involvement with MAW happen! Another ongoing local involvement for Sprouts is the Board of Directors and staff offering ongoing scholarships to the Chicago Police Memorial Fund to use as they see fit (our first two children have just graduated and another family will start next month!). It is our vision that the entire Sprouts family should be involved in directly supporting our local community as best we can.
Additionally, we try and make the children aware on an international basis, that there are others in the world less fortunate then themselves. Our parents, children, and staff in the past have raised money for:

  • For our “sister” schools in Sri Lanka (to build the children a library), and Haiti (purchasing books and being involved in joint projects-see the tapestry near the kitchen!)
  • For the Japanese children who suffered from the Pacific tsunamis, we helped replace their library (via our book fairs which parents have generously supported!).
  • For the poor families in Africa, we have sent farm animals via Heifer International, so they could be self-sustaining going forward.

Validating our original environmental and social give back vision, congratulations are due to the parents, children, staff and in particular, our Acting Director, Kaye Viecelli, in helping Sprouts become the first preschool in Illinois to be certified by EDGE (the Early Development of Global Education- an international organization that certifies schools in the US and internationally for their environmentally structured curriculum and their involvement in local and international Social Giveback).
Thank you all for helping us to continue the Original Vision of Sprouts Academy. We hope this vision, and its traditions, will make a positive difference in the lives of your children.

Sprouts Board of Directors:
John Novak
Susan Novak
Diana Earley
Richard Earley

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