At Sprouts Academy Preschool, our commitment to healthy eating and sustainability lead us to Gourmet Gorilla, the premier catering company of Chicago. As they say on their website, their mission is to “to strive for a sustainable future for our children by providing local and organic school lunches and healthier eating options. We are committed to working with community partners to provide solid nutrition for children in order to help them learn and grow. Building alliances between local farms, urban agriculturalists, dieticians, nutritionists, talented chefs, and organic food manufacturers, we are able to provide quality ingredients as well as links to educational resources on healthy food curriculum, the value of organic foods, garden projects, and ecological awareness. Bring Gourmet Gorilla to Your School”
We’ve just learned that they’ve been awarded the very prestigious $60,000 HUFED grant for the “Food Hub” concept that they presented! We’re thrilled about their success and wish them the very best on this new and exciting expansion!
To read more about the story, follow this link: