Sprouts Academy Melody Makers

Come join Sprouts Academy for a fun and engaging music and movement experience with your child. This class offers you and your child the opportunity to enjoy music, movement and positive socialization with other children and families. Open to children aged one to three years, held on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10:00am. This early childhood music class offers all the unique, and wonderful benefits that a group music class can provide.

Music is a fabulous way to strengthen relationships and promote positive brain growth. If you love music, then this is a wonderful way to expose your child to your love of music, song and dance by sharing the experience together. Designed to be a forty-five minute musical experience, which draws on the best children’s music, including circle time songs, fingerplays to help develop fine motor coordination, marching and moving, and ending with bubbles. This class promises to be a rewarding experience for both children and adults.

Call Sprouts Academy to reserve your spot: 312 944 6363

Tuesday Class @ 10:00 A.M.: July, 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th

Wednesday Class @ 10:00 A.M.: July 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th

Cost for 4 week class $80 (limited to 12 parent and tot families/class).