Child Assessments

As part of our parent communications, Sprouts Academy Preschool will input data into Teaching Strategies Gold and give parents feedback, three times a year, on how their child is doing in 10 different areas covering 38 different objectives. We feel detailed, ongoing feedback is invaluable in the assessment of any child.

TEACHING STRATEGIES GOLD: Objectives for development and learning through documentation and assessment tools.

Teaching Strategies GOLD™ is an authentic, observational assessment system for children from birth through kindergarten. It is designed to help you get to know children well—what they know and can do, and their strengths, needs, and interests. With this information, you can guide children’s learning by planning engaging experiences that are responsive to individual and group needs.

The Teaching Strategies GOLD™ assessment system blends ongoing, authentic, observational assessment for all areas of development and learning with intentional, focused, performance-assessment tasks for selected predictors of school success in the areas of literacy and numeracy. This seamless system for children birth through kindergarten is designed for use as part of meaningful everyday experiences in the classroom. It is inclusive of children with disabilities, children who are English-language or dual language learners, and children who demonstrate competencies beyond typical developmental expectations.

Teaching Strategies GOLD™ recognizes that young children’s development is uneven, that it changes rapidly, and that development and learning are interrelated and overlapping. The assessment system may be used with any developmentally appropriate curriculum; it is not linked exclusively to a particular curriculum.

The primary purposes of the Teaching Strategies GOLD™ assessment system are to help teachers

  • observe and document children’s development and learning over time
  • support, guide, and inform planning and instruction
  • identify children who might benefit from special help, screening, or further evaluation
  • report and communicate with family members and others

The secondary purposes are to help teachers

  • collect and gather child outcome information as one part of a larger accountability system.
  • provide reports to administrators to guide program planning and professional development opportunities.

Teaching Strategies GOLD™ is not designed as a screening or diagnostic tool, a readiness or achievement test, or a teacher- or program-evaluation tool. For accountability purposes, the information obtained should be used as just one part of a larger system of data collection for decision making.

Download a sample here.

Each enrolled child at Sprouts Academy Preschool has an individual online portfolio displaying the above information through visual documentation imports. This secure, password-accessible program has the capacity to share individual child development through PDF exports during parent-teacher conferences.