Proud of Our Decision To Have Our Little Girl Start Her School Experience In Such a Wonderful Place

The choice of preschool for our little girl was one that we made with much care. Sprouts was first recommended to us by a family member who raved about the teachers and the facility. We started our daughter in Sprouts, and felt that we could not have made a better choice. The staff is young, energetic, and caring. Our daughter had, as expected, separation anxiety, and her teachers at Sprouts were so caring, patient, and attentive that over time she felt comfortable and dropoff became a fun event instead of an anxious time.

After her fun first impressions of school she received at Sprouts, our girl transitioned effortlessly into her preschool at another school (that she will attend for her grade school years), and we believe this is because of her nurturing preparation she received at Sprouts Academy. Looking back, we feel very proud of our decision to have our little girl start our her school experience in such a wonderful place.

- Sprouts Mom and Dad